Version has been released.
The download can be requested via the page Download evaluation copy.
Since version the application is divided into a standard version and a PRO version.
In addition to the functionality of the standard version, the PRO version offers additional functions such as
free selection of album sources, insertion of QR codes, as well as the export of templates and the
Import of RTF documents. Even your Dropbox account can be shared with others. So a “borderless” work (for example for working groups or
common exhibits) is now possible.
Just this function of importing RTF documents allows
to redesign pages which were created with a different software in Phila Butler.
The important thing is that the “other” software can save the pages in RTF format.
Text formatting can be done in the PRO version using the “mini toolbar”. Inspired by a well known
word processing software this feature was added in the current version.
The “Mini Toolbar” becomes visible as soon as a text passage is highlighted, or is clicked with the right mouse button in the text.